


一個羅姆族 (Roma) 社區被強迫拆遷而失去家園六年多後,當中75名族人現在仍然暫時棲身於污水處理廠旁臨時搭蓋的鐵皮屋及小木屋內,生活環境惡劣。當局告訴他們只是暫時遷居,但沒有提出任何將他們重新安置到其他適當住所的計劃。


2004年,大約100名羅姆族人的住屋遭到強迫拆遷。他們當時居住的房子是市政府的財產,位於羅馬尼亞中部Miercurea Ciuc市,一條名為Pictor Nagy Imre的街道上。市政府多年來未曾對這些房屋進行修繕維護,卻突然以保護居民安全為由,強迫他們遷出以便將房屋拆除。這批住戶大多數被安置到市郊一座污水處理廠外。有關當局從未嘗試與住戶討論拆遷的替代方案,也沒有提供其他安置地點。這種做法已經違反了國際法上對住房權利的保障。






1. 寫信給Miercurea Ciuc市長 (該市的匈牙利語名為Csíkszereda):

- 對於當地政府在2004年將這群羅姆人從住處強迫拆遷,卻沒有遵守有關拆遷的國際人權標準,將他們遷移到極不人道的生活環境,表達嚴正關切;
- 呼籲他認真地諮詢這些羅姆家庭的意見,遵照國際和區域人權法及人權標準,為他們找尋重新安置的地點與替代住房。


Ráduly Róbert Kálmán
Mayor of Csíkszereda
Municipality of Csíkszereda
Vár tér 1. 530110, Csíkszereda
Harghita county
傳真+ 40/ 266 37 11 37
電郵 radulyrobert@szereda.ro
上款Dear Mayor


2. 寫信給羅姆族社區,表達聲援(可用匈牙利文或母語書寫)


“Kedves Tavasz utca lakói!

Én egyike vagyok azon embereknek, akik abban segítek, hogy új és biztonságos otthont kapjanak. Remélem továbbra is kitartanak és hogy a hatóságok meghallgatják Önöket. Mi Önökkel vagyunk.

Fogadják legjobb kívánságaimat”



Ráduly Ferenc
str. Primaverii nr. 16.
530143 Miercurea Ciuc,
jud. Harghita,



Roma families in Romania


More than six years after they were forcibly evicted from their homes, around 75 Roma people are living in unsanitary conditions in metal cabins and shacks next to a sewage plant. They were told that the move was temporary, but the local authorities have made no plans to relocate them to adequate housing.


In 2004, around 100 Roma people were forcibly evicted from their municipal-owned home on Pictor Nagy Imre Street in the town of Miercurea Ciuc, central Romania, where they had been living since the 1970s. The authorities had not repaired the property for many years and told the families that they were being evicted for their own safety and that the building was to be demolished. Most of them were resettled on the outskirts of the town behind a sewage treatment plant. No attempt was made by the authorities to explore with the families possible alternatives to the eviction, or alternative relocation sites, in violation of international safeguards on evictions.


Now living on the fringes of the city, the families are socially excluded and their living conditions are inhumane. The metal cabins are overcrowded and provide no protection from heat and rain. The sanitation facilities are woefully inadequate, with only four toilet cubicles for 75 people and one tap for drinking water.


Romanian law stipulates that people should not live within 300 metres of potential toxic hazards, and the Romani families are living well within this danger zone. The authorities have done nothing to investigate the potential danger of living so close to the sewage plant. The stench of human excreta permeates the air around the cabins and shacks. Many Roma living there spoke of the negative impact the smell has on their daily lives and their fears that it is hazardous to the health of the whole community.




1. Write to the Mayor of Miercurea Ciuc (Csíkszereda in Hungarian):
- Expressing concern that the local authorities of Csíkszereda forcibly evicted the Roma from their homes in 2004 without complying with international safeguards on evictions, and moved them to a site where living conditions are inhumane;
- Calling on him to ensure a genuine consultation with the Romani families is carried out, to identify a relocation site and alternative housing which comply with the requirements of international and regional human rights law and standards.


Ráduly Róbert Kálmán
Mayor of Csíkszereda
Municipality of Csíkszereda
Vár tér 1. 530110, Csíkszereda
Harghita county
Fax: + 40/ 266 37 11 37
Email: radulyrobert@szereda.ro
Salutation: Dear Mayor


2. Send a solidarity message to the Romani community

Please write to the members of the Romani community in Hungarian or your own language:

“Kedves Tavasz utca lakói!

Én egyike vagyok azon embereknek, akik abban segítek, hogy új és biztonságos otthont kapjanak. Remélem továbbra is kitartanak és hogy a hatóságok meghallgatják Önöket. Mi Önökkel vagyunk.

Fogadják legjobb kívánságaimat”



Dear residents of Primaverii street,
I am one of the people who have been supporting your fight for a new and safe home! I hope you remain strong and that you and that the authorities listen to you. We are on your side.
With best wishes to you and your family,


Send to:

Ráduly Ferenc
str. Primaverii nr. 16.
530143 Miercurea Ciuc,
jud. Harghita,


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