【歐洲】COVID-19疫情中未能保障安全墮胎管道 女性健康面臨威脅

生殖權利中心(Center for Reproductive Rights)歐洲區域秘書長Leah Hoctor表示:
國際計劃生育聯合會(International Planned Parenthood Federation, IPPF)歐洲區域秘書長 Caroline Hickson 表示:「現在疫情衝擊我們生活的各個層面,政府實在不該以此為藉口,剝奪女性為自身生殖權和健康權做自主決定的權利。」


Abortion Rights Campaign, Ireland 
Albanian Center for Population and Development 
Amnesty International 
Amrita Association, Hungary 
Association des Femmes de l’Europe Meridionale 
Association européenne pour la défense des droits de l’homme (AEDH) 
Association for Human Rights and Civic Participation PaRiter, Croatia 
Association for promotion of women's action Tiiiit! Inc., North Macedonia 
Association Mnémosyne, France 
Association of Women of Southern Europe (AFEM) 
Associazione italiana donne per lo sviluppo, Italy 
Associazione Luca Coscioni, Italy 
ASTRA Network 
Austrian Family Planning Association 
Bibija Roma Women Center, Serbia 
British Pregnancy Advisory Service 
Bureau Clara Wichmann, Foundation for strategic litigation for gender equality, Netherlands 
C.G.I.L. Confederazione Italiana del Lavoro, Italy 
Center for Curricular Development and Gender Studies: FILIA , Romania 
Center for Reproductive Rights 
CESI - Center for Education, Counselling and Research, Croatia 
Citizen, democracy and Accountability, Slovakia 
Clio. Femmes, Genre, Histoire, France 
Coalition to Repeal the 8th Amendment, Ireland 
Concord Research Center for Integration of International Law in Israel 
Cyprus Family Planning Association 
Danish Family Planning Association 
Deutsche Stiftung Weltbevölkerung (DSW) 
Doctors for Choice Ireland 
Doctors for Choice Malta 
Doctors for Choice UK 
Encore féministes 
European Humanist Federation 
European Parliamentary Forum for Sexual & Reproductive Rights 
European Roma Rights Centre 
European Society of Contraception and Reproductive Health (ESC) 
European Women Lawyers Association 
Family Planning Association of Moldova 
Federación Planificación Estatal, Spain 
Fédération des Centres Pluralistes de Planning Familial, Belgium 
Federation for Women and Family Planning, Poland 
Fédération laïque des centres de planning familial – FLCPF, Belgium 
Femmes solidaires, France 
Forum femmes méditerranée
Freedom of Choice / Možnosť voľby, Slovakia
Fundación para la Convivencia Aspacia, Spain 
Garance, Belgium 
German Women Lawyers’ Association 
Helia Association, Spain 
HERA – Health education and research association, North Macedonia 
Human Rights Watch 人
Humanists UK 
International Commission of Jurists 
International Federation for Professionals in Abortion and Contraception (FIAPAC) 
International Planned Parenthood Federation – European Network 
Irish Family Planning Association 
Kosovar Gender Studies Center 
L.A.I.G.A, Italy
L’ Associació de Drets Sexuals i Reproductius, Spain 
La Ligue des droits de l'Homme, France
Latvian Association for Family Planning and Sexual Health 
Le Planning Familial, France 
London-Irish Abortion Rights Campaign 
Médecins du monde-France 
Nane, Hungary 
National platform for reproductive justice, Croatia 
National Women's Council of Ireland 
Patent Association, Hungary 
Planning Familial Luxembourg 
Platform for International Cooperation on Undocumented Migrants (PICUM) 
pro familia Bundesverband, Germany 
Rape Crisis Network Ireland 
Regards de Femmes, France 
Rutgers, Netherlands
Santé Sexuelle Suisse, Switzerland 
Sarajevo Open Centre, Bosnia and Herzegovina 
Sensoa, Belgium 
Serbian Association for Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights 
Sex og Politikk, Norway 
Society Without Violence, Armenia 
SOS Rijeka – Center for Nonviolence and Human Rights, Croatia 
Tajik Family Planning Association 
Union des Familles Laïques – UFAL, France 
Union Women Center, Georgia 
Väestöliitto - The Family Federation of Finland 
Vita di donna, Italy
Voice for Choice - L-għażla tagħha, Malta
Wales Assembly of Women 
WAVE Network - Women Against Violence Europe 
Women Center "Light Steps", Albania
Women on Waves, Netherlands 
Women on Web, Netherlands 
Women’s Rights Foundation, Malta 
Women's circles, Slovakia 
Women's Resource Center Armenia 
YouAct - European Youth Network on Sexual and Reproductive Rights 
Young Feminist Europe 


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