



但這群學生卻冷靜而充滿勇氣。在他們獲釋當天,經驗豐富的國際特赦組織的法律顧問Yuval Ginbar也參與旁聽庭審,他在記錄中讚賞學生的冷靜與勇氣:「在延長羈押的聽證會之前,軍政府允許兩名外交官和我跟這14名學生交談。儘管我是專業人權工作者,但在這13名男學生和1名女學生的面前,我卻是如此的微不足道。我很想稱呼他們為「男孩」和「女孩」,因為他們看起來如此年輕。他們全都身著囚服,奶油色的T恤和棕色短褲,手也上了枷鎖,卻毫無畏懼。」






“Let it be known that just a few minutes of (peaceful) protest can put us in jail, can lead us to be tried in a military court, even though we are civilians. This is how horrible society is now.” ——Apisit Sapnapapan


「我們要讓世人知道,才幾分鐘的(和平)示威就能使我們入獄、受軍事法庭審判,即使我們只是老百姓。這就是現在恐怖的社會情勢。」——Apisit Sapnapapan






“At this moment we’re not afraid of neither a military court nor the prison, but that once we’re in jail the movement goes nowhere.” ——Apiwat Suntararak


「此刻我們害怕的不是軍事法庭、也不是監獄,而是當我們入獄之後,這個運動沒有辦法繼續下去。」——Apiwat Suntararak



“We want people to see how normal detention is in this situation. Actually, we’re jailed already with this law that violates our rights and freedom.”—— Chatupat Boonyapatraksa


「我們希望大家能看到,在這種情況下拘留有多普遍。其實有這種妨害權利和自由的法律,我們早已身陷囹圄。」——Chatupat Boonyapatraksa



“We won’t run away. We’re using the act of civil disobedience and peaceful means as our ways to fight. Today we choose to concede to show the authorities that we’re not running away. If you’re going to arrest us, you have to explain the public whether you’re doing this under article 44.” ——Pakorn Areekul



——Pakorn Areekul




“Bail application needs an approval from a military court. And we’re not going to request freedom from the army since the military court and the power gain over this case is not lawful.”

——Panupong Srithananuwat


「申請假釋需要軍事法庭核准,但我們不會向這種非法獲得軍事法庭與權力的軍隊請求自由。」——Panupong Srithananuwat




“On the day we went to put up signs, we already knew the law says it’s wrong. But out conscience says it’s not. So we went there and we did it. We’re willing to accept the punishment of our action.”

——Payu Boonsophon


「在我們準備去放標語的那天,我們早就知道法律說這樣是錯的,但我們的良知告訴我們法律才是錯的,所以我們還是那樣做了。我們願意承擔這些行動的後果。」——Payu Boonsophon





“We concede the punishment with the charge of non-compliance to NCPO’s orders. But we’re not confessing because we believe that this law is unjust to our conscience.” ——Supachai Phukrongploy


「我們接受國家和平暨秩序委員會指控我們不服從命令的懲罰,但我們不會承認那些指控,因為我們相信這個法律基礎違反良知。」——Supachai Phukrongploy




“They have a lot more to work on for the country; they shouldn’t be arresting us seven just because of putting up signs and making a big deal of it all over the country. They should spend their time doing something else.” ——Suvicha Pitungkorn


「他們能為這個國家做的事還有很多,他們不應該因為放上標語就逮捕我們七個,還把這件事鬧得沸沸揚揚,他們的時間應該花在其他事情上。」——Suvicha Pitungkorn




“Not reporting is an act to make the law unsacred, to destroy the legitimacy of this law, like it doesn’t exist in this country.” ——Wasant Satesit


「『不報導』可以消除這個法律的神聖性、摧毀它的合法性,好像它在這個國家並不存在一樣。」——Wasant Satesit
















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