
人權工作者Munir Said Thalib在8年前遇害,印尼政府仍未將兇手繩之以法。2004年9月7日,Munir陳屍於雅加達飛往荷蘭的班機,荷蘭當局驗屍發現,他被人以砒霜(砷)毒殺。


作為印尼著名的人權運動者,Munir挺身為數10名遭強迫失蹤的行動者發聲。他和其他人創辦了兩個人權組織,協助蒐證揭發軍方在亞齊和東帝汶侵犯人權的暴行,並倡議將高階將領移送司法調查。1999年9月,他被任命為「東帝汶人權侵犯調查委員會」(Commission of Inquiry into Human Rights Violations in East Timor, KPP-HAM)的成員。




請寫信給印尼總統尤多約諾,呼籲政府當局對Munir Said Thalib命案重新進行獨立的調查,將所有涉案者,不分官階大小,送交司法公正審判。要求有關當局公開支持人權運動者,肯定其工作的正當性,並譴責對他們的任何騷擾或攻擊。信件請寄:


President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono
Istana Merdeka
Jakarta 10110

Start your letter: Your Excellency


Indonesia – Munir Said Thalib
Activist killed


Eight years after the killing of human rights activist Munir Said Thalib, the Indonesian authorities have failed to bring to justice all those responsible. Munir was found dead on a flight from Jakarta to the Netherlands on 7 September 2004. An autopsy carried out by the Dutch authorities showed that he had been poisoned with arsenic.


One of Indonesia’s most prominent human rights campaigners, Munir took up the cause of dozens of activists who had been subjected to enforced disappearance. He co-founded two human rights organizations, helped to uncover evidence of military responsibility for human rights violations in Aceh and Timor-Leste (formerly East Timor), and made recommendations to the government on bringing high-ranking officials to justice. In September 1999, he was appointed to the Commission of Inquiry into Human Rights Violations in East Timor (KPP-HAM).

Munir was in constant danger as a result of his human rights work. In August 2003, a bomb exploded outside his home in Jakarta. In 2002 and 2003, mobs attacked the office where he worked. Although three people have now been convicted for their involvement in Munir’s death, there are credible allegations that those responsible for his death at the highest levels have not been brought to justice. Indonesia’s human rights defenders continue to be threatened, intimidated and attacked. They believe they would be better protected if there was true accountability for Munir’s killing.


Please write, calling on the authorities to establish a new independent investigation into the killing of Munir Said Thalib and bring the perpetrators at all levels to justice in fair trials. Urge the authorities to recognize and publicly support the legitimate work of human rights defenders and condemn any type of harassment or attacks against them. Send appeals to:


President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono
Istana Merdeka
Jakarta 10110

Start your letter: Your Excellency


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