
©Amnesty International

Hristina Stoyanova拿著兒子Mihail Stoyanov的遺照。


保加利亞一位25歲醫科學生Mihail Stoyanov,於2008年9月30日行經首都索菲亞(Sofia)玻利索瓦花園(Borisova Garden)時,被毆打致死。Mihail遭到殘暴攻擊,導致氣管斷裂,窒息而死,4年過後,殺死他的兇手們仍然逍遙法外。






在保加利亞,因恐同產生的仇恨犯罪(homophobic hate crimes)通常無法得到適當的調查和追訴。這類仇恨犯罪的被害人大多不會去報案,因為他們可能曾在不同場合公然地遭受恐同者、恐跨性別者(homophobic and transphobic)的騷擾行為,而不再相信政府當局會保護他們。


請寫信給保加利亞索菲亞市的檢察首長,呼籲他將殺害Mihail Stoyanov的兇手繩之以法。要求有關當局立即著手解決同性戀/雙性戀/跨性別者受到歧視的問題。信件請寄:


Prosecutor Dragomir Yanchev
Sofia City Prosecutor's Office
2 Vitosha Boulevard
1061 Sofia

fax: +359 2 981 8 32
e-mail: press@prb.bg


Worldwide Appeal

Bulgaria – Student killed in homophobic attack
Mihail Stoyanov, a 25-year-old medical student, was beaten to death while walking in Borisova Garden in Sofia on 30 September 2008. The attack on Mihail was brutal; he was beaten until his windpipe was broken and he suffocated. Four years later, those who killed Mihail have not yet been brought to justice.
Witnesses say Mihail was attacked because his killers thought he was gay. When Mihail’s mother, Hristina, reported him missing at the local police station, she was bombarded with questions about Mihail’s habits and friends. The police also searched their home for drugs. She was then told that Mihail had been killed.


In 2010, two suspects were arrested. Three witnesses said that they saw the two suspects killing Mihail; one pleaded guilty during the investigation. They were all part of a group had attacked other men because of their perceived sexual orientation in the same park. In April 2012, they were released on bail. Although the prosecutor acknowledged that strong evidence was collected against the suspects during the investigation, they have never been officially charged and brought to trial. The procedure is currently at a standstill.


Bulgaria systematically fails to adequately investigate and prosecute homophobic hate crimes. Most hate crimes go unreported because the victims do not trust the authorities, partly because they have on some occasions been overtly homophobic and transphobic.
Please write, calling for those responsible for the killing of Mihail Stoyanov to be brought to justice. Urge the authorities to immediately address the issue of discrimination against lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people in Bulgaria. Send appeals to:
Prosecutor Dragomir Yanchev
Sofia City Prosecutor's Office
2 Vitosha Boulevard
1061 Sofia

fax: +359 2 981 8 32
e-mail: press@prb.bg


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