
聲援對象:Nguyen Van Ly (阮文理神父)

民主運動者及天主教神父Nguyen Van Ly(阮文理)以「煽動顛覆越南社會主義共和國」罪名被判刑八年,外加刑滿後軟禁五年。2007年3月案件一審時,他不但沒有律師辯護,還在庭上被法警粗暴封口。四位同案被告也被判徒刑外加軟禁或緩刑。

官方指控阮神父參與組織非法政治團體和網路民主運動「Bloc 8406」。他和四位同案被告還共同發行一份刊物《自由民主》(Tu Do Ngon Luan)。從1970年代末期以來,阮神父為爭取人權、批評政府的宗教政策數度入獄,共已被監禁約15年。國際特赦組織首次以良心犯予以聲援是在1983年。

阮神父曾在2010年短暫獲釋,讓他可以治療中風和腦部腫瘤,前者導致他半身癱瘓。2011年7月,當局以他在釋放期間散發反政府傳單為由,不顧他的身體仍然虛弱,將他送回Ha Nam省的 Ba Sao監獄。此次入獄後,阮神父數度絕食抗議。

請寫信給越南外交部長,呼籲立即無條件釋放Father Nguyen Van Ly(阮文理神父)。請指出國際特赦組織認為他是一位良心犯,僅因和平行使言論與結社自由而被捕。呼籲在他未出獄前,提供他適當的醫療照護。信件請寄:

Minister of Foreign Affairs
Pham Binh Minh
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
1 Ton That Dam
Ha Noi
Viet Nam

傳真:+844 3825 9205


Worldwide Appeal, 2012 May/June

Viet Nam: Nguyen Van Ly
Internet activist imprisoned

Pro-democracy activist and Catholic priest Nguyen Van Ly is serving an eight-year prison sentence for “conducting propaganda against the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam”. He is sentenced to a further five years under house arrest after he completes his prison sentence. At his trial in March 2007, he did not have legal representation and he was manhandled by guards and gagged in court. Four co-defendants received either suspended sentences or prison sentences with house arrest on release.

Official accusations against Father Ly included involvement in banned political groups and the internet-based pro-democracy movement Bloc 8406, which he co-founded. He and four co-defendants also published a dissident journal, (Freedom and Democracy). Since the late 1970s, Father Ly has spent some 15 years in prison for advocating human rights and criticizing government policies on religion. Amnesty International first adopted him as a prisoner of conscience in 1983.

Father Ly was temporarily released from prison in March 2010 in order to receive medical care for a stroke, which left him paralyzed on one side of his body, and for a brain tumour. He was returned to Ba Sao prison, Ha Nam province, in July 2011 despite still being in poor health. The authorities claimed that he had distributed anti-government leaflets during his release period. Since his return to prison, Father Ly has been on periodic hunger strike in protest at his detention.

Please write, calling for Father Nguyen Van Ly to be released from prison immediately and unconditionally. Note that Amnesty International considers him to be a prisoner of conscience, detained solely for peacefully exercising his rights to freedom of speech and association. Call for him to be provided with adequate medical care while in detention. Send appeals to:

Minister of Foreign Affairs
Pham Binh Minh
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
1 Ton That Dam
Ha Noi
Viet Nam

Fax: +844 3825 9205
Email: bc.mfa@mofa.gov.vn



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