
聲援對象:Anas al-Shogre

Anas al-Shogre(或al-Shogri)現年23歲,從2011年5月14日被隔離拘留至今。國際特赦組織得到報告,他的健康不佳,而且可能在拘留期間遭到酷刑。

Anas首先發起2011年3月18日在敘利亞Banias市的反政府示威遊行。他在清真寺祈禱後向大家喊話:「誰要爭取自由,就加入我們。不要的可以回家。就算只有一個人,我也要上街遊行。」眾人響應他的號召,掀起了Banias的示威潮。敘利亞當局指控Anas al-Shogre是恐怖份子和武裝團體的首領。然而,他的家人和當地人權團體認為,政府抓他是因為他領導和平示威,以及將Banias地區人權侵害訊息告訴媒體,包括英國廣播公司(BBC)阿拉伯語新聞台。


請寫信給敘利亞內政部長,呼籲立即無條件釋放Anas al-Shogre,或者立刻以正當的刑事罪名予以起訴,並讓他接受符合國際標準的公正審判。信件請寄:

Minister of Interior
His Excellency Major General Mohamad Ibrahim al-Shaar
Ministry of Interior
‘Abd al-Rahman Shahbandar Street
Syrian Arab Republic

傳真:+963 112119578 (keep trying)
稱謂:部長閣下(Your Excellency)


Worldwide Appeal, 2012 May/June

Syria:Anas al-Shogre
Activist at risk of torture

Anas al-Shogre (or al-Shogri), aged 23, has been detained incommunicado since 14 May 2011. Amnesty International has received reports that he is in poor health and is concerned that he may have been tortured in detention.

Anas was the first person to call for anti-government demonstrations in the Syrian city of Banias on 18 March 2011. He spoke in the mosque after prayer, saying: “Whoever would like to call for freedom, join us. Whoever does not, go home. I’m going to the street even if I have to do it on my own.” People followed him, marking the beginning of demonstrations in Banias. The Syrian authorities have stated that Anas al-Shogre is a terrorist and leader of an armed group. However, his family and local human rights activists believe he was arrested for leading peaceful protests and for reporting on human rights violations in Banias to the media, including the BBC Arabic service.

Former detainees told Anas’ family that he was held in the Military Security branch in the city of Tartus, and later transferred to a branch of the State Security (controlled by the Ministry of Interior) in Damascus. One former detainee at the Military Security branch said they heard Anas call out “I don’t want to live, let me die”, raising concerns that he was tortured. Torture and other ill-treatment are widespread in Syria. A reliable source said Anas is unwell and has lost a lot of weight. No further information was forthcoming, and the authorities have refused to confirm where he is being held or the precise reasons for his arrest.

Please write, calling for Anas al-Shogre to be released immediately and unconditionally, or charged with a recognizably criminal offence and tried in accordance with international fair trial standards. Send appeals to:

Minister of Interior
His Excellency Major General Mohamad Ibrahim al-Shaar
Ministry of Interior
‘Abd al-Rahman Shahbandar Street
Syrian Arab Republic

Fax: +963 112119578 (keep trying)
Salutation: Your Excellency


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