政策部門實習生 Amnesty International Taiwan Internship (Policy and Advocacy)

實習內容 Responsibilities

Participate in policy research, lobbying, media monitoring under the supervision of the Policy and Advocacy team, including (but not limited to):

  • 協助政策研究相關資料蒐集與彙整 Assist the collection and curation of data and/or information related to the policy research work;
  • 協助國內外人權議題新聞追蹤 Assist the media monitoring of domestic and international human rights issues;
  • 協助國際特赦組織全球政策研究 Assist Amnesty International's global policy research projects;
  • 協助翻譯與校對中英語文件 Assist the translation between English and Mandarin (Taiwan);
  • 協助媒體協調工作 Assist the coordination of communications work;
  • 協助籌備活動(如:記者會、論壇或研討會等)行政工作 Assist the administrative and logistical work of events, including press conferences, forums, and conferences.
申請資格 Qualification
  • 大學部三年級以上、研究所在學生 Being enrolled in an university and has completed at least half of their studies; or being a graduate student
  • 政治系、法律系或修讀國際關係、人權相關領域學程學生優先 (Preferred) Being students specialised in political science, law, international relations, or human rights-related academic programmes
  • 英文能力證明,如檢定證書(托福、雅斯、多益、全民英檢)或其他修業成績證明 ;(若英語為母語者,請提供含中文之其他外語檢定證書或修業成績證明)English skills proof: certificates, such as TOEFL, IELTS, TOEIC, GEPT or other proof of studies or proficiency. (If the applicant's native langauge is English, please provide other foreign language certificates, including Mandarin, or proof of studies.)
  • 若非本國籍者,須持有台灣合法居留簽證及工作許可證明,並將證明文件之影本與申請資料一併投遞申請。For non-Taiwanese applicants, it is required to hold a valid residence permit or visa, and work permit. The copies of those documents should be provided along with the required application documents.
加分項目 Additional requirement (optional)
  • 未來希望投入人權相關領域工作者 Eager to work in the field of human rights in the future;
  • 有參與人權團體或組織志工經驗者 Experienced in volunteering with human rights groups or organisations;
  • 積極主動,對人權與國際事務有熱忱 Proactive and enthusiastic about human rights and international affairs;
  • 具有可書寫溝通之外語專才 Good at anther one or more foreign languages that can contribute to the work at Amnesty International;
  • 有基本製圖能力者,如簡報、活動宣傳圖等 Having basic graphic design skills, such as abilities to create presentations and event graphics;
注意事項 Important notice
  • 實習期間:每年1-6月以及7-12月。至少為期兩個月(約120小時),到職與實習期間依照部門以及實習生學習計畫需求調整,實習表現佳者得延長 Two periods each year -- January to June, and July to December. The internship should last minimum 2 months (about 120 hours) in total. The exact length and start-end dates of Internship may be adjusted according to the needs of the Policy & Advocacy team and the intern's study plan. The internship may be extended if the intern receives an overall positive feedback in the evaluation.
  • 時數要求:每週兩個工作天(共15小時),錄取後安排固定時段,可視合理情況調整 Working hours: 15 hours (or 2 days) per week. Fixed time slots will be arranged after acceptance and can be adjusted according to reasonable circumstances
  • 實習地點:國際特赦組織台灣分會台北辦公室(台北市八德路三段 36 號 7 樓),得視督導進辦時間彈性安排遠端工作。 Locaiton: Amnesty International Taiwan Taipei Office (7F, No. 36, Sec. 3, Bade Rd., Songshan Dist., Taipei City)
  • 服務期間保障:時薪 200 - 265 元/小時(依能力與經驗於面試時協商)之生活津貼補助並依勞工保險條例投保保險。 Salaries: hourly rate from 200 NTD to 265 NTD depending on skills and experiences and can be negotiated during the interview. The agreed salaries and contract will be subject to Taiwan’s tax and labour rights protection regulations
  • 完成實習時數者,予以評分並頒發實習證書;未完成者,不予評分且不頒發實習證明書。 Amnesty International Taiwan may issue a certificate of completion of internship with evaluation upon request. Only those who fulfil the agreed requirement will receive the certificate
申請方式 Application
  • 申請流程 Process:書面審查→面試→面試期間結束後一週內公佈面試結果,申請者須於獲得錄取通知後 1 週內回覆確認實習意願。Application review → Interview → Notification of the result within one week after interview. Applicants must confirm if they accept the offer within one week after receiving the email.
  • 申請審核 Application review period:每年11-12月、5-6月; Twice a year: Nov. – Dec. & May – Jun.
  • 資料繳交 Documents: —簡歷 CV/resume —自傳含申請動機 Motivaiton Letter(500字以內 Maximum 500 words) —英文能力證明,如檢定證書(托福、雅斯、多益、全民英檢)或其他修業成績證明 (English skills proof: certificates, such as TOEFL, IELTS, TOEIC, GEPT) or other proof of studies or proficiency.

將以上資料寄至 hr@amnesty.tw 張小姐收,信件標題請打:【法案政策實習生】〇〇〇申請資料,例如【法案政策實習生】潘小美申請資料。 Please send those documents to hr@amnesty.tw (Ms. Chang), titled 【Policy Internship】 FULL NAME application

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