
國際特赦組織秘書長阿格妮斯.卡拉馬爾(Agnès Callamard)將於2023年6月24日至7月1日訪台。




6月26日上午,阿格妮斯.卡拉馬爾將參加一場記者會,呼籲台灣需要將《禁止酷刑公約》(Convention Against Torture,CAT)和國際人權法所涵蓋的所有其他保護納入國內法和政策。2022年,台灣推出了第一個國家人權行動計畫(2022-2024年),制定了數位人權、平等和反歧視等八個優先領域的目標。


Amnesty International’s Secretary General to visit Taiwan

24 June 2023

Amnesty International’s Secretary General, Agnès Callamard, is traveling to Taiwan on a high-level mission from 24 June to 1 July.

The head of the world’s largest human rights organization will take part in a series of meetings and events with civil society groups and lawmakers to discuss the key human rights issues in Taiwan, including the death penalty, the challenges faced by Indigenous people, LGBTI people, asylum-seekers and refugees, and the impact of climate change. She will also consider the implications of global geopolitical tensions, including between China and the US, for human rights protection in Taiwan.

“I’m very much looking forward to meeting with and learning from those involved across all levels of the human rights landscape in Taiwan, including Amnesty International Taiwan. The trip is an opportunity for me to hear from activists at the forefront of the struggle to affirm LGBTI rights, seek the abolition of the death penalty, and take urgent action on climate. I am keen to hear how civil society maintains its resilience amid ongoing global hostilities and competition,” said Agnès Callamard.

“My official visit is also an opportunity to engage with lawmakers, press the need for further progress on Taiwan’s National Human Rights Action Plan, and better understand the obstacles to the full implementation of Taiwan’s obligations under international human rights law.”

On Monday 26 June, she will participate in a panel event, open to media, on the need for Taiwan to incorporate the Convention Against Torture (CAT) and all other protections covered by international human rights law into domestic law and policy. In 2022, Taiwan launched its first National Human Rights Action Plan (2022-2024) setting out goals in eight priority areas including digital human rights, equality and non-discrimination.

On Thursday, Amnesty International will hold a press conference for Agnès Callamard to share her observations and suggestions on the human rights policy of Taiwan.

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