婦女節行動-5×65 好不好?

~ 故事|音樂|唇印|衣粧 ~
時間:14:00 - 17:00







為了表達對女性人權鬥士的敬意與支持,3月7日(周日)下午2點,我們將舉辦用音樂、故事、關懷交織而成的行動:「5×65 好不好?」現場將收集「愛的唇印」卡片寄往緬甸,並有特別的文化體驗,試試緬甸女性美容聖品「樹粉」(Thanakha)和美麗的「龍衣」(Longyi)試穿。


  • 緬甸夥伴組織連絡人Khin Ohmar、女書店創辦人/性別平權工作者蘇芊玲女士等貴賓將出席致意。
  • 五位緬甸女性的故事 :邀請在不同領域努力的台灣代表介紹五位緬甸女性人權鬥士,包括張素華、林仁惠、藍佩嘉、鄭智偉、林欣怡。
  • 音樂表演:
    • 李婉菁(Sandra)+陳文鈺+張睿銓:音樂劇《黑暗巴洛克》音樂團隊
    • 暗流樂團:獨立創作樂團,第7屆新光盃熱門音樂大賽冠軍,成員包括緬甸僑生
    • PISCO樂團:獨立創作樂團,曾受邀於「女性影展」演出
    • 「鄒女」安歆澐+高蕾雅:來自阿里山鄒族的美麗女聲
  • 愛的唇印:邀請現場觀眾留下祝福的「唇印」並簽署於明信片上,寄往緬甸表達台灣的聲援。
  • 文化體驗:體驗緬甸人最愛的天然化妝品—「樹粉」(Thanakha),和「龍衣」(Longyi)試穿。
  • 義賣:音樂CD、手冊、明信片等。

- Mar Mar Oo (瑪瑪烏):家庭教師、「88世代學生」成員。
- Nilar Thein (妮拉婷):「88世代學生」成員,致力於婦女權益。
- Sandar Min (仙妲敏):大學主修化學,兒童福利NGO工作者,同時積極參與社會運動。
- Thet Thet Aung (德德昂):大學主修哲學,和其夫婿都是社運工作者,育有三個男孩。
- Thin Thin Aye(Mie Mie) (心心愛伊,又名「咪咪」):大學主修動物學,「88世代學生」成員。



Amnesty International Taiwan
Int'l Women's Day Action – 5×65 好不好?

5 Burmese Women X 65 Years in Prison !
For the upcoming International Women's Day, Express Your Support to Five Burmese Women, Were Sentenced Into Prison For 65 Years !!!!
To Whom Are Fighters , Mothers , Daughters , and be Forced to Deprive of Citizenship !!!!

Date/Time: 2 pm~5pm, March 7 (Sunday) ,2009
Location : SOGO Square , Zhongxiao Fuxing Station(MRT) Exit No.2, Taipei City
Organizer: AI Taiwan, Taiwan Free Burma Network (TFBN), Burmese community in Taiwan, Taiwan Gender Equity Education Association, Dr. Chen Wen-Chen Memorial Foundation, Awakening Foundation, Taipei Association for the Promotion of Women's Rights, Taiwan Tongzhi Hotline Association, Taiwan Youth for Democracy in Asia

More Info:

For organizing and participating in peaceful demonstrations against the military rule in Burma, five women were sentenced to 65 years in prison.

Their names are Mar Mar Oo, Nilar Thein, Sandar Min, Thet Thet Aung, and Thin Thin Aye (Mie Mie). At least three of them have minor children. (Mar Mar Oo received five extra years in prison, a total of 70 years.)

Showing our respect and support to women who fight for human rights, and especially to these five brave Burmese women, on the eve of International Women’s Day. We, AI Taiwan, TFBN, TFD and other organizations concern human rights issues of women in Taiwan are going to held concerts and campaigns on the street. Besides great bands performances , there are more information and stories of Burmese women and the cultures of Burma.

All participants are invited to leave your "lip print," and we will send your love with signatures to the junta in Burma, asking them to release all prisoners of conscience. Also, we are honored to have Mrs. Khin Ohmar(Coordinator of Burma Partnership) to join us in Taiwan .

Please show your concerns and curiosities to those respectable women , and to experience natural cosmetic and wearing style of Burmese.

There is no Boundaries or Gender Differences in Human Rights .

We in Taiwan Will Keep Fighting for The Freedom of Burma.


因為你 我們有改變世界的力量

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