#FirstInAsia 國際特赦組織致台灣全體立法委員信全文 呼籲實踐婚姻平權

國際特赦組織(Amnesty International)長期密切關注台灣婚姻平權法案進展,不但於5月24日大法官釋憲結果出爐後發表公開聲明表示樂見此一進展以外,國際特赦組織東亞區域辦事處總監軻霖(Nicholas Bequelin)更於6月初致函立法院全體113名立法委員,呼籲立法院應盡速採取行動,以下為信件全文。


軻霖(Nicholas Bequelin)
Nicholas Bequelin
East Asia Director
Amnesty International

Dear Legislator,

Amnesty International has noted the recent landmark ruling of Taiwan’s Constitutional Court on the legalization of same-sex marriage. This is a very significant step forward for the rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI) people in Taiwan. This milestone court ruling means Taiwan is close to becoming the first in Asia to recognize marriage equality. 

I am writing to acknowledge the significance of this, and ask you to take action to implement the court’s decision without delay by continuing the legislative process of the proposed bill. 

In their ruling on 24 May 2017, the Taiwan Constitutional Court judges ruled that the current marriage law in the Civil Code is unconstitutional as it discriminates against same-sex couples and stated that authorities concerned shall amend or enact relevant laws in accordance with the court ruling within two years. 

A draft bill on same-sex marriage is currently being considered by the Legislative Yuan. The bill passed its initial reading in the legislature late last year, and is now awaiting further deliberation and discussion. Amnesty International urges lawmakers to act swiftly to legalize same-sex marriage as soon as possible, ensuring Taiwan make marriage equality a reality. 

Non-discrimination on grounds of sexual orientation is an internationally recognized principle and denial of equal civil recognition of same-sex relationships prevents many people from exercising a whole range of other rights, such as rights to housing and social security, and stigmatizes those relationships in ways that can fuel discrimination and other human rights abuses against people based on their sexual orientation. 

Amnesty International calls for an end to all forms of discrimination and advocates the equal protection of basic human rights enshrined in international human rights instruments regardless of sexual orientation. Amnesty International specifically opposes discrimination in civil marriage laws and civil partnership laws and calls for recognition of families of choice.

Taiwan can become a pioneer in the region and beyond by demonstrating to the world its commitment to equality by legalizing same-sex marriage by recognizing marriage equality. Your support will be important in making this historic milestone. We encourage the legislature to accelerate the legislative process to legalize same-sex marriage as soon as possible.

We thank you for your consideration and remain at your disposal if you require further information.

敬請 勛安

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