
畫家兼裝潢工人William de Jesús Checo和烘培工人Cecilio Díaz於2009年10月10日在Villa Vasquez的Copey地區被警察射殺,警方宣稱2人是在黑道幫派與警察槍戰時中彈身亡。






這椿命案過去已近3年,卻沒有任何警官因為William de Jesús Checo和Cecilio Díaz的死亡而被起訴。2人的家屬為追求正義,仍在四處奔走。


請寫信給多明尼加共和國檢察總長,簡述以上案情,呼籲對William de Jesús Checo和Cecilio Díaz的命案進行公正、徹底的調查,並將應負責任者送交司法公正審判。信件請寄:


Procurador General de la República
Ave. Jiménez Moya esq. Juan Ventura Simón
Palacio de Justicia
Centro de los Heroes Constanza, Maimón y Estero Hondo
Dominican Republic

Email: lreyes@pgr.gob.do


Dominican Republic – Cecilio Díaz and William de Jesús Checo
Killed by police


William de Jesús Checo (, pictured right), a painter and decorator, and bakery worker Cecilio Díaz, were killed by police on 10 October 2009 in Copey, Villa Vasquez. The police claim that both men were killed in an exchange of gunfire between gang members and police.


However, an investigation commission appointed by the Prosecutor General concluded that: “The large number of gunshots fired at both victims and their trajectory indicated that the alleged exchange of gunfire did not take place and that there was intent to kill the two men.” On the basis of the commission’s conclusions, a tribunal ordered five police officers and a navy officer to be detained pending an investigation into the incident.


The Minister of the Interior and Police dismissed the commission’s conclusions, saying the evidence was not strong enough. The Minister declared that he would ensure that the police officers received the best legal defence available. On 9 January 2010, a court ordered the release of the officers on bail. In March 2010, the President ordered a member of the investigation commission to retire, and promoted two of the officers under investigation for the killings.

Nearly three years after the killings, no officer has been charged with the deaths of William de Jesús Checo and Cecilio Díaz. The families of both men desperately demand justice.


Please write, giving a short summary of the case. Call for a thorough and impartial investigation into the deaths of William de Jesús Checo and Cecilio Díaz, and for those responsible to be brought to justice in a fair trial. Send appeals to:


Procurador General de la República
Ave. Jiménez Moya esq. Juan Ventura Simón
Palacio de Justicia
Centro de los Heroes Constanza, Maimón y Estero Hondo
Dominican Republic

Email: lreyes@pgr.gob.do
Start your letter: Señor Procurador


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