
聲援對象:Azimjan Askarov

Azimjan Askarov被判無期徒刑,單獨監禁在位於Bishkek的第47號監獄地下囚室。國際特赦組織認為他是良心犯,僅因從事合法的人權工作而失去自由。他是民間人權組織Vozdukh的負責人。多年來,他在吉爾吉斯南部Jalal-Abad地區收集警方虐待的資料。

Azimjan Askarov是在2010年6月15日被捕。此前他正在紀錄吉爾吉斯南部吉爾吉斯人與烏茲別克人之間的族群衝突暴力事件。他說他在被抓進去的頭三天被打得很慘,官員試圖強迫他承認謀殺一位警員,並且要他陷害其他人。

覊押候審的Azimjan Askarov在獄中仍持續遭受虐待。2010年8月,檢方以私藏槍彈、共謀殺人等多項罪名將他起訴,但他不承認任何犯罪。2010年11月,他因不滿獄中待遇導致情緒崩潰而被送醫治療。


Azimjan Askarov被判無期徒刑,已於2011年12月由最高法院判決定讞。國際特赦組織擔憂他的健康不佳且未獲適當醫療。

請寫信給吉爾吉斯總統,呼籲立即無條件釋放人權護衛者Azimjan Askarov,因為國際特赦組織認為他是良心犯。信件請寄:

Almazbek Atambaev
Government House
Bishkek 720003

傳真:+996 312625012
稱謂:總統閣下(Dear President)


Worldwide Appeal, 2012 May/June

Kyrgyzstan: Azimjan Askarov
“They have destroyed us”

Azimjan Askarov is serving a life sentence in a single underground cell in Prison No.47, Bishkek. Amnesty International considers him to be a prisoner of conscience, detained solely for his legitimate human rights work. He is the director of Vozdukh (Air), an independent human rights organization. For years he has documented ill-treatment by police in the Jalal-Abad region of southern Kyrgyzstan.

Azimjan Askarov was detained on 15 June 2010, after documenting violence between groups of ethnic Kyrgyz and ethnic Uzbeks in the south of Kyrgyzstan. He reported that he was severely beaten in the first three days of his detention in an attempt to force him to confess to the murder of a police officer and to incriminate others.

Azimjan Askarov continued to be ill-treated in pre-trial detention and, in August 2010, he was charged with various crimes including storage of ammunition and being an accomplice to murder. He denies all the charges. In November 2010 he was taken to hospital after collapsing as a result of his treatment in detention.

In June 2011, he told Amnesty International during a prison visit: “I shouldn’t be here. They’ve taken everything that was dear to me and my wife… They’ve ransacked our lovely home and destroyed our garden… They burned down my office. They beat my brother so badly that he is now disabled, my wife is ill, my sons mostly in hiding. They have destroyed us.”

The Supreme Court upheld Azimjan Askarov’s life sentence in December 2011. Amnesty International is concerned that he is in poor health and has not received adequate medical treatment.

Please write, calling for the immediate and unconditional release of human rights defender Azimjan Askarov, whom Amnesty International considers to be a prisoner of conscience. Send appeals to:

Almazbek Atambaev
Government House
Bishkek 720003

Fax: +996 312625012
Salutation: Dear President


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