
聲援對象:Islam Umarpashaev

Islam Umarpashaev於2009年12月在格洛茲尼(Grozny)家中,被自稱警察的便衣人員帶走。他被綁架前,剛剛用手機發出一則批評車臣警方的短訊,發表在網路聊天室。他的家人完全不知道他的下落,直到2010年4月2日他被釋放為止。

Islam Umarpashaev被綁架後,偵訊人員把他的網路留言列印出來給他看,問他是否和車臣武裝團體有聯繫。他說自己在偵訊期間被毆打,被用鏈子鎖在暖氣上長達三個半月,受到虐待和恐嚇。他相信自己是被關在屬於車臣鎮暴特警(OMON)的建築物地下室。

他後來因為歐洲人權法院發出暫時處分而獲釋,代他向法院提出申請的是一個俄羅斯人權團體「下諾夫哥羅德反酷刑跨域委員會」(Nizhnii Novgorod Inter-Regional Committee Against Torture)。獲釋後,Islam Umarpashaev全家人為了安全被迫離開車臣;調查小組成員也遭到涉及此案的車臣警察威脅。

請寫信給俄羅斯聯邦調查委員會主席,歡迎該委員會已就Islam Umarpashaev的案件展開調查。請說明你很關切調查小組能否排除阻礙和干預,要求給予調查小組和他本人的法律團隊成員充分保護。要求找出所有參與綁架、非法拘留和虐待他的人員,將他們繩之以法。信件請寄:

Chairman of the Investigation Committee
Aleksandr Ivanovich Bastrykin
Investigation Committee of the Russian Federation
Tekhnicheskii pereulok, dom 2
105005 Moscow
Russian Federation

傳真:+7499 2659077 or +7499 2659775
稱謂:尊敬的調查委員會主席(Dear Chairman of the Investigation Committee)


Worldwide Appeal, 2012 May/June

Russian Federation: Islam Umarpashaev
Detained, chained and beaten

Islam Umarpashaev was taken from his family home in Grozny on 1 December 2009 by men in black uniforms claiming to be police officers. His abduction came shortly after he used his mobile phone to post an angry comment about the Chechen police to an internet chat forum. His family knew nothing of his whereabouts until he was released four months later, on 2 April 2010.

Following his abduction, Islam Umarpashaev was shown a print-out of his internet message and interrogated about whether he had links with Chechen armed groups. He was reportedly beaten during interrogation, and spent three and a half months chained to a radiator, ill-treated and threatened. He believes he was held in the basement of a building belonging to the Chechen riot police force, OMON (Special Police Force).

He was released from detention following interim measures issued by the European Court of Human Rights. An application had been made to the Court on his behalf by the Russian human rights organization Nizhnii Novgorod Inter-Regional Committee Against Torture. Since his release, Islam Umarpashaev and his family have had to relocate outside Chechnya for their safety. Members of the investigation team have also received threats from members of the Chechen police in connection with this case.

Please write, welcoming the ongoing investigation into Islam Umarpashaev’s case by the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation. Express your concern over the ability of the investigation team to carry out their work unimpeded and without intimidation, and urge that investigators working on his case and members of his legal team are given adequate protection. Urge that all those responsible for his abduction, unlawful detention and ill-treatment are identified and brought to justice. Send appeals to:

Chairman of the Investigation Committee
Aleksandr Ivanovich Bastrykin
Investigation Committee of the Russian Federation
Tekhnicheskii pereulok, dom 2
105005 Moscow
Russian Federation

Fax: +7499 2659077 or +7499 2659775
Salutation: Dear Chairman of the Investigation Committee


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