

2011年5月23日晚上,關在Nouakchott 中央監獄的14位囚犯,遭情治人員帶走,至今下落不明。一位獄友表示:「蒙面的情治人員凌晨3點闖進來,手上拿著一份名單,一個一個叫名字…然後把這些犯人帶走。大家都不知道怎麼回事。」



請寫信給茅利塔尼亞總統,呼籲他說明這14位在2011年5月23日自Nouakchott中央監獄被移送到不明處所的囚犯的下落。他們的名字是:El Khadim Ould Semane、Sidi Ould Sidna、Mohamed Ould Chabarnou、Maarouf Ould Haiba、Mohamed Abdellahi Ould Ahmednah Ould Mohamed Salem、Mohamed Ould Abdou、Abderrahmane Ould Areda、Mohamed Ould Chbih、Amar Ould Mohamed Saleh、Taghi Ould Youssouf、Salem Ould Hemmod、Tiyeb Ould Saleck、Mohamed Mahmoud Ould Sebty dit Dahoud Sebty和Mohamed Khaled。請要求讓這些人聯絡家屬、律師,並得到所需的醫療照護。信件請寄:

General Mohamed Ould Abdel Aziz
President of the Islamic Republic of Mauritania
BP 184 Nouakchott

傳真:+222 45259801
稱謂:總統閣下(Your Excellency)


Worldwide Appeal, 2012 May/June

Mauritania: 14 prisoners
Prisoners abducted from their cells

On the night of 23 May 2011, 14 prisoners were taken from their cells at the Central Prison in Nouakchott by security forces. They have not been seen since. A fellow prisoner said: “Security forces came at 3am; their faces were hidden and they had a list. They were calling out names one by one… and were asking the detainees to come with them. Nobody knew what was going on.”

Some of those abducted had been sentenced to death, while others were serving sentences of between five and 15 years. Amnesty International had met with most of the prisoners prior to their abduction, and had recorded that they were tortured or otherwise ill-treated in the first days of their detention.

Their personal belongings, including books, blankets and clothes, were returned to their families in June 2011 with no further explanation. In November 2011, the Minister of Justice told an Amnesty International delegation that the men had been isolated “for security reasons”. No further information has been provided about the men’s whereabouts.

Please write, calling for disclosure of the whereabouts of the 14 men who were moved from the Central Prison in Nouakchott to an undisclosed location on 23 May 2011. They are: El Khadim Ould Semane, Sidi Ould Sidna, Mohamed Ould Chabarnou, Maarouf Ould Haiba, Mohamed Abdellahi Ould Ahmednah Ould Mohamed Salem, Mohamed Ould Abdou, Abderrahmane Ould Areda, Mohamed Ould Chbih, Amar Ould Mohamed Saleh, Taghi Ould Youssouf, Salem Ould Hemmod, Tiyeb Ould Saleck, Mohamed Mahmoud Ould Sebty dit Dahoud Sebty and Mohamed Khaled. Urge that the men are given access to their families, lawyers and medical care. Send appeals to:

General Mohamed Ould Abdel Aziz
President of the Islamic Republic of Mauritania
BP 184 Nouakchott

Fax: +222 45259801
Salutation: Your Excellency


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