

良心犯Kartam Joga已在Jagdalpur監獄服刑近2年。國際特赦組織相信,他是因為在印度中部Chhattisgarh邦從事人權工作,而成為當局打擊的目標。


Kartam Joga是印度共產黨的活躍分子,也是地方自治機構的民選成員。他從2005年開始紀錄Adivasi原住民族所遭受的人權迫害。該族居住的村莊經常遭到Salwa Judum民兵組織的攻擊,而據信該民兵組織的徵召和經費均來自當地政府。


Kartam Joga於2007年向印度聯邦最高法院提出申訴,要求安全部隊和Salwa Judum民兵應為其迫害人權的行為負起責任。2011年,最高法院宣告Salwa Judum民兵組織不合法且違憲。


2010年9月,雖然最高法院當時還正在審理Kartam Joga的申訴案,他卻被當地政府羈押。他被指控參與毛派武裝團體,涉嫌爆炸案、攻擊安全部隊和預謀刺殺地方官員。到目前為止,在Kartam Joga被控的4個案件中,已有3件獲得法院判決無罪,而第4個案件,經過數度延期,至今仍在審理中。


如同先前幾個案件,國際特赦組織相信Kartam Joga被控的最後一宗案件也是基於政治動機,並認定他是良心犯。


請寫信給Chhattisgarh邦首席部長,呼籲撤銷對Kartam Joga的控告,並立即無條件予以釋放。信件請寄:


Dr Raman Singh
Chief Minister of Chhattisgarh
Chief Minister Niwas
Raipur 492001

Fax: +91 771 2221306
Email: cm@cg.nic.in


同時也請寫信給Kartam Joga本人,表達聲援:


Kartam Joga
Central Jail
Jagdalpur 494001


India – Kartam Joga
Indigenous activist remains in prison


Prisoner of conscience Kartam Joga has now served almost two years in Jagdalpur prison. Amnesty International believes he is being targeted for his human rights work in Chhattisgarh state, central India.


Kartam Joga is an activist with the Communist Party of India, and an elected member of a local self-government body. He has documented human rights violations against the Adivasi Indigenous Peoples since 2005, when their hamlets were attacked by a private militia, the Salwa Judum, which is widely believed to be recruited and sponsored by the state.


Kartam Joga petitioned India’s Supreme Court in 2007, demanding accountability for human rights violations committed by security forces and the Salwa Judum. In 2011, the Supreme Court declared the Salwa Judum illegal and unconstitutional.


In September 2010, even as the Supreme Court was hearing Kartam Joga’s petition, he was detained on several charges, including collaborating with armed Maoists in bombings, attacking security forces, and murdering a state official. Subsequently, courts found no evidence against Kartam Joga in three of the four cases against him and acquitted him. Hearings in the fourth and final case against him – deferred several times so far – are still ongoing.


Like the previous charges, Amnesty International believes that the remaining charge against Kartam Joga is also politically motivated, and considers him to be a prisoner of conscience.

Please write, calling for the charges against Kartam Joga to be dropped, and for him to be released immediately and unconditionally. Send appeals to:


Dr Raman Singh
Chief Minister of Chhattisgarh
Chief Minister Niwas
Raipur 492001

Fax: +91 771 2221306
Email: cm@cg.nic.in


Send a message of solidarity to:

Kartam Joga
Central Jail
Jagdalpur 494001


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