

©Ana Aranha, A Publica.


Nilcilene Miguel de Lima是巴西一個小生產者協會的主席,這個協會代表亞馬松納省Lábrea地區約800位小地主。她住的房子被縱火燒毀,她本人也遭到恐嚇、毆打,並且被迫逃離家鄉,只因為她勇於發言反對伐木業。










請寫信呼籲巴西司法部長,依據Nilcilene Miguel de Lima的意願,確保其人身安全。要求當局徹查所有針對她的威脅行為,並將應負責者繩之以法。信件請寄:


Exmo. Sr. José Eduardo Martins Cardozo
Esplanada dos Ministérios
Bloco "T", 4º andar
70.712-902 - Brasília/DF

信件開頭請寫:Exmo. Sr. Ministro


Brazil – Nilcilene Miguel de Lima
Land rights activist in hiding


Nilcilene Miguel de Lima is the president of an association of small producers representing 800 smallholder families in Lábrea, Amazonas state. Her house has been burned down and she has been threatened, beaten and forced to flee her land, all for speaking out against illegal logging.

Before she was forced out of the region, she lived in a simple wooden hut with no electricity, telephone line or running water, and planted manioc (cassava) with her husband on their smallholding.


Threats against Nilcilene began in 2009, when she started speaking out against the arrival of illegal loggers. According to the local community, gunmen hired by the loggers harass and evict smallholders and intimidate anyone who dares to question their actions. Those who resist face violence. At least six rural workers have been killed in the region since 2007.


In May 2010, local gunmen severely beat Nilcilene, leaving her covered in bruises. In June 2010, Nilcilene was again beaten. She fled eight days later after being threatened by a gunman at her house. She returned to find her house burnt down and her crops destroyed.


In October 2011, the Brazilian government provided her with armed guards. But she continued to receive threats such as “your bullet-proof vest can protect your body but not your head”. Nilcilene’s relatives also received threats and several have fled. So serious were the threats that Nilcilene left the region again and is currently in hiding at an undisclosed location. She is desperate to return home.


Please write, calling on the Minister of Justice to ensure the safety of Nilcilene Miguel de Lima, according to her wishes. Urge the authorities to thoroughly investigate all threats made against her and to bring those responsible to justice. Send appeals to:


Exmo. Sr. José Eduardo Martins Cardozo
Esplanada dos Ministérios
Bloco "T", 4º andar
70.712-902 - Brasília/DF

Start your letter: Exmo. Sr. Ministro


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